Search: 5G

Post-Pandemic Growth Pains Pave the Way for Next-Gen Network Services

07-Feb-2022 04:57 PM 5G

Blurb: The decadal shift in the technological landscape is transforming the services landscape, paving the way for next-generation services and resilient networks operations in the post Covid era. The pandemic has reset the way we live, work and do business, and not surprising[...]

5G Networks: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

05-Oct-2021 03:50 PM 5G

5G technology represents the next generation in the evolution of mobile communication standards for connecting devices, machines, businesses and people. Over the last two years, we have witnessed 5G technology deployments happening in a few developed markets around the globe. Dev[...]

The Disruptive Impact of 5G on Optical Network Architecture

05-Mar-2019 12:22 PM 5G

The emergence of 5G, the next generation of mobile broadband standard from 3GPP, is expected to have a massive impact on the mobile backhaul architecture. Besides driving up the per-cell throughput by at least 10x when compared to 4G/LTE, 5G is also expected to lead to a massive [...]

5G Can Be The ‘Y2K Moment' for Telecom Manufacturing in India

29-Jan-2019 01:15 PM 5G

Over the past 20 years, Indian telecom service providers have done a phenomenal job of providing voice and data services across the country at affordable prices. It is unfortunate that while we grew our telecom services sector, unlike China, we completely missed out on creating a[...]